Over the years I am learning really cool stuff and forgetting, I wish, I have a habit to take notes what I have ever learned and created a portfolio. That would make my life easier, especially whilst talking about what I have done/learned during my career. At least, that would unburden myself, the things are always rolling in my head and cannot get into sleep, my blog could be a place to spill.

It is not so late, I guess 😄, in fact, while searching how to create a blog, I thought the best way to document/blog is write while doing it. While developing something, I always left the information to be documented in the future. In fact, documentation is a part of the software, I left my works without completing. This time things gonna change. I will write the documentation while doing it. 😄

Some experienced guys claim if you want to blog using the WordPress or something ready to use, it is the best, but I hate that idea. Their point is the one who wants to create a blog, especially for a developer, should not waste their time and should directly start blogging. Yeah, I understand that I spent some time when I was young with PHP, even if it has done excellent stuff at those times, currently I don’t want to use it for myself.

The idea is writing documentation for myself and I should be simple. I have spent lots of time using Latex, Wiki Markup, etc., I don’t find them simple to use. I would like to write Markdown files for documentation which is pretty simple and I need is finding a tool to convert these markdown files to static HTML pages. That is the only thing I need. Whilst the search I came across Jekyll, it is written with Ruby and guess what, I like it. I don’t know regarding Ruby, Jekyll and other stuff at all, it is pretty simple to use.

GitLab and GitHub offer some features to publish your website/blog without any cost as a start. I would like to use it now. If it will become a necessity to use and dedicated web server or something, later we can do it. Right now I cannot worry about tomorrow’s problems.

I would like to also mention the domains. I have mustafagonul.com, not using recently, just left it to its fate. Decided to migrate the domain to GoDaddy, why I did something like this I don’t know, I guess I am not happy with the local service provider.

While writing my manifesto, it seems, I have decided the tools for my blog. Here is the list:

  • GitHub Pages
  • Jekyll
  • GoDaddy

I will also discuss how I manage to create the blog. If you got interested, please feel free to check my next post.