ClearCase Hints
You can find all the information inside this page with several searches. But I would like to collect the most used commands by myself and keep updated. I have written clearcase as the command but I would like to point that I am using rclearcase.
How to find branch name
In the ClearCase realm, there is no one single branch name. If you run the following command, the output will be a list of branch names for the items in the current directory:
cd /my/view/path/to/relevant/directory
cleartool ls
Reference: How to find Branch name of clearcase view
How to list all branches in the project
Typically, to list all branches you can run the following command:
cleartool lstype -kind brtype
You can also combine the command with grep:
cleartool lstype -kind brtype | grep <word>
Reference: lstype
How to find modified files in a branch
You can directly run the following command:
cleartool find . -type f -branch "brtype(<branch>)" -print
This command outputs the branch names with the file names as it is mentioned in the reference. Unfortunately, suggested command to annihilate the branch names is not working in my environment. I have used sed to remove the branch names:
cleartool find . -type f -branch "brtype(<branch>)" -print | sed -r 's/@@.*$//'
Reference: How to find the files modified under a clearcase branch
How to find hijacked files
You can directly run the following command:
cleartool ls -r | grep "hijacked"
Reference: Is it possible to find a list of all hijacked files in a view in CCRC?
Useful Links
You can also check the following links to gather good information: